Rector's Musings

Occasional musings of the Rector. 

Changing worship times

I’m at it again. I’m going to change the times of our worship services, beginning in several weeks. I am doing this for two reasons:

  • Having worship in Adare at 9.30 on a Sunday morning does not work. It is too early for too many people who would normally be there.

  • A number of people have said that they would appreciate having an evening service. So the plan at the moment is to have two evening services per month, one in Adare and one in Kilpeacon. The time will be 7.00pm, as I’m told this would be the best for families. The services mostly will be Evening Prayer or Service of the Word (a non-Eucharistic service that allows for flexibility).

When the Vestry for Adare / Croom / Kilpeacon met on Tuesday, 22 September, we had a long and wide-ranging discussion about these proposed changes. I am grateful to the Vestry for their insights and comments.

So stay tuned for more details. I believe that these changes will be good for our parishes, partly by offering some other times than Sunday morning that we can worship together.